Fishing line wear resistant-Yo-Zuri Aurie-Q 3D Prism 4.0

Colours 03 LMOG 09 CLMB 10 CBS 06 SBMP
What sets the Yo-Zuri Aurie-Q 3D Prism 4.0 is a newly added super reflective inner sheet through the centre of the lure that gives a life like and enticing flicker and shine to the prawn like no other lure on the market does. Utilising a striking blue luminous eye, the lure is super easy for squid to detect no matter the conditions. The Yo-Zuri Aurie-Q 3D Prism 4.0 produces an irregular action on the fall which has proven to be very effective when chasing larger predatory squid. Weighing in at 23g, the Yo-Zuri Aurie-Q 3D Prism 4.0 falls at a rate of approximately 3m/second which can be the difference between you catching a squid and going home empty handed on those big swell days.


  • Super reflective inner sheet
  • Striking blue luminous eye
  • 3D prism shrimp lens that produces a life-like light
  • Sink Rate : 3m/Second