Tip Top Teak's Crystal Deck Cleaner is just what you need to begin the restoration of you ship's teak. Crystal Deck Cleaner is specially designed for those large open areas on your deck that have endured quite a bit of wear and tear.
Easy to use formula
Concentrated formula cleans more deck than liquid cleaners
Specially designed for teak
For over 30 years Tip Top Products has been producing quality products for the care and protection of your marine craft. Our Tip Top Line has always been known as the choice of yachtsmen and boaters around the world, and our Wood -Oil Sealer has been proven time and again to be the premium sealer in the world. We are continuing to strive toward giving our customers the highest quality products at a fair price and are designed to be "Simply the Best".
Tip Top Teak's cleaner, brightener, and sealer comprise the components of our three step process designed to clean, restore and protect your valuable teak.
All weather teak should be cleaned using our 3 step process:
Cleaned with Crystal Deck Cleaner.
For those boaters who enjoy a lighter, brighter look for their teak Tip Top Teak's Deck Brightener shoudl be applied.
Finally to seal and protect the beaut of ones teak, Tip Top Teak's Wood-Oil Sealer should be spread onto the teak's surface.

Fishing bait rig tool-Tip Top Teak - Crystal Deck Cleaner