Fishing rod light action-Just One Bite II

Count 8 count 64 count 96 count 86 count

Just One Bite® II Rodent Control

Contains 0.005% bromadiolone to kill Norway rats, roof rats and house mice, inside and outside. May be used in and around agricultural buildings only. Rats and mice may consume the lethal dose in one feeding with first dead rodents appearing 4-5 days after feeding begins. Do not place in areas where there is a possibility of contaminating food or surfaces that come in contact with food. Do not broadcast bait.

Just One Bite® II Directions for Usage:


  • Scored to be easily broken into (8) 2 oz pieces. Features hole through the middle to allow for mounting in bait station
  • For rats - 2-8 pieces per placement, each placement 15-30 ft apart
  • For mice - 1 piece per placement, each placement 8-12 ft apart


  • Features hole through the middle to allow for mounting in bait stations
  • For rats - 2-8 chunks per placement, each placement 15-30 ft apart
  • For mice - 1 chunk per placement, each placement 8-12 ft apart


  • For rats - 3-10 packs per placement, each placement 15-30 ft apart
  • For mice - 1 pack per placement, each placement 8-12 ft apart